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Singing Evangelist/Christian Vocalist. Musician. Lyricist. 


Phyllecia Jons, lovingly known as PJ is back!



I praise the Lord that He has brought me through this year of 2019.  It has been a busy and successful year in the Lord.  He has helped me to grow more mature in my walk with Him.  He has caused me success and victory over many trials.  I know that God has an amazing plan for my life in 2020 and I look forward to Him and I walking, working, talking, singing, and just hanging together each day.  My goal for the year 2020 is still to take my music a bit farther than just locally in Ga & Jamaica.  However, it is also to finish my full CD and get it marketed.  My desire is for the world to hear of Jesus Christ and be saved through my music.  I am humbled if the Lord can do that through the music that I sing.


Take a look at my single.  Purchase your own copy of my single now!  Download it to your cell phones, on your computers, in your homes and enjoy!

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