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Praise Jehovah Ministries was founded by PJ in 2002

Praise Jehovah Ministries, an umbrella'd company under PJ's Services LLC, offers Christian singing performances.  With over 20 years experience, PJ has been performing for many different denominations, weddings, funerals, seminars, retreats, concerts, and many other events.  She is also a multiple recording artist.  Her first recording was in Oregon on "The Wedding Day" cd produced by Ariel Deam - Songs Collection, where she sang "What Did He Die For".  PJ recorded with Grace Grove Singers on a cd called "In His Name" where she was the 1st soprano.  She performed in concert with Grace Grove Singers for about a year.  She also recorded a single called "I Will Listen" as well.  Once moved to Georgia, she continued her musical pursuits.  She has been featured on television TV23 funded by the Cobb County State of Georgia and hosted by the NAACP for the 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. celebration on January 20, 2014.  PJ has performed internationally in Jamaica multiple times as well.


PJ is 52 years old & the mother of 2 grown children, as well as a grandmother of 3 absolutely adorable grandchildren. Her children were taught music & her son now writes music, sells his songs & does concerts with guitar & piano.


PJ is a retired nurse and is also the owner of PJ's Services, LLC, an amazing Piano & Martial Arts Enrichment Program. She is the founder of an online blog ministry called “Living Victoriously” which deals with assisting people in overcoming defeat in their lives.


PJ loves music & is an international Christian vocalist & the CEO of “Praise Jehovah Ministries” where we provide Christian performances for different faiths & for different events & functions.


Her most favorite past time is gardening, singing, and play wrestling with her husband. PJ also enjoys learning about Christian History, playing music, swimming, outdoor activities, physical sports & loves to just spend time reading.


She has over 19 years of volunteer experience in many fields from jail ministries, to community services, to church ministries, to children’s ministries, volunteer work, Bible worker, etc… She enjoy being with children & have over 19 years of work experience with children of all ages. She has been playing the piano since she was 8 years old, but due to a dystrophy, is limited with piano performance.  She has been teaching piano instruction for about 14 years now.


Amazing enough, after the Lord healed her from a wheelchair to be able to walk after 8 years, she began learning martial arts to strengthen her body and for self defense.  She is now currently a double 3rd degree black belt & is currently working on her 4th degree for the main style that she teaches in, Mikio Surai. She has been training in martial arts for about 8 1/2 years & have been teaching martial arts for about 5 years now. She also held the title of Dojo Cho for 4 years for her martial arts dojo & has now retired that position to pass it on to another martial artist that has earned the title, as only one can hold that title.


She is excited to be able to pass on her love for music, martial arts, & her learning experiences, challenges, and victories to all generation of all ages of both genders that the nations may develop a love for the arts of all types and use it to glorify God. If they develop this love of the arts, use it for God's glory, & learn how to discipline themselves for a healthier lifestyle and state of mind and then pass that love & experience on to others, then PJ says that her job would have been done.  Her goal is to glorify God in all she does.

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