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Piano & Music Class - Our Methods




PJ's Music Class encourage musical exploration, discovery, imitation, and creativity. Our lessons carefully consider the stages of children’s growth and development and acknowledge individual learning styles.

Music class prepares a foundation for future success both academically and beyond.  Here's why:


     *  Provides educational advantages

Numerous studies available show children who play an instrument score higher on both standard and spatial cognitive development tests alike.


     *   Increases coordination

Increased eye-hand coordination is almost a given for children that learn to play the piano. Children who play the piano have improved fine motor skills and, unlike other instruments, the piano requires both hands to work independently of each other.


     *   Increases concentration

Reading a piece of music takes extreme focus. Students must first interpret a note and a rhythm, and then translate it onto the keyboard. Reading and playing music requires children to think both critically and creatively, developing skills for success in a multitude of other endeavors.


     *  Increases language and thinking skills

Music is a language. Studies prove that language acquisition occurs with greater ease and proficiency when begun at a young age. Piano performance requires children to translate those strange marks on the lines and then generate music on an instrument. This learning process enhances the area of the brain that processes new languages.


     *   Increases math skills

Music and math are connected. Musical concepts of rhythm and meter reinforce mathematical concepts. Piano lessons can increase math skills and aptitude.


     *  Increases confidence and pride

Piano lessons can encourage and provide a sense of accomplishment for children. As children acquire new skills and experience positive reinforcement in class, their self-esteem improves. Children thrive when praised and we celebrate all musical accomplishments, both great and small!


     *  Develops a lifelong skill

Playing piano is much like riding a bike. When children take lessons at a young age, they develop musical skills to last a lifetime. While they may not continue lessons indefinitely or perhaps change instruments in the future, piano lessons establish an excellent foundation in music.


     *   Group lessons provide an inviting atmosphere for learning

The fun shared by children participating in group lessons is contagious! The peer experience helps to minimize fear or intimidation and encourages imitation and learning.


Piano class is fun-filled and designed to captivate a child’s interest and imagination. This is accomplished through engaging, interactive, innovative curriculum and purposeful play! Children discover, explore, imitate, experience, and create music.


Preschool piano classes are for students 3-5 and are both fun and engaging with developmentally appropriate activities:


  • exploration & discovery through sensory experience

  • musical activities focused on large muscle coordination

  • rhythm, beat, and tempo

  • whole body movement, coordination & expression

  • pitch, tone, dynamics (high/low; loud/quiet)

  • preliminary notation & music symbol recognition

  • keyboard geography

  • musical ear development

  • creative activities & games



School-Age piano classes are for students ages 6-10. Students enrolled in after school piano classes will continue to establish a deeper & more complex root system for future music study. The weekly group piano classes provide students with an introduction to music at the piano. Students develop a strong musical foundation and proper pianist habits through:


  • Notation and musical symbol recognition & application

  • Rhythm activities

  • Keyboard playing

  • Ear Training/Sight-reading/Composition

  • Creative activities and games


No Stress, positive learning environment:

PJ's Piano Classes are unique and fun. The primary goal is to make learning to play the piano a positive experience. Preschoolers are not expected to practice at home, but it is encouraged. However, as children mature, regular practice is certainly important, beneficial and encouraged according to the expectation of improvement. Teachers always try to minimize frustration encourage accomplishments, both great and small!


Age Appropriate Learning:


Piano classes are planned to maximize learning and appeal to individual age groups through the use of many tools of work and play. For instance, playdough and cars is used to reinforce theoretical concepts for preschoolers. Older students may use dry erase boards, magnets and flashcards. Our lesson objectives and expectations are always based on the student’s cognitive, physical, and intellectual development as well as unique learning styles.



Make a joyful noise!


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